Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A phone from mom reduce stress of daughters

Feeling like there are too many pressures on you?losing sleep worrying about exam results and test papers.No need to worry make a call to your mom you will be relieved from all your stress.When you talks with your mother the hormone oxytocin promotes bonding between mother and child and has long been associated with close physical contact,said by scientists from the University of Wisconsin Madison recently.They conducted the research among girl childrens of age 6-12 years where they are given to solve maths question and to speak before strangers.The stressed children are then divided into three groups and asked the first to talk to their mom in phone,second through the phone provided by the researchers and rest were asked to watch an emotionally neutral movie for 75 minutes.The results find interesting where the stress of the first group reduced comparitively faster than the other two AGATHA CHRISTIE once said

"A mother's love for her child is like
nothing else in the world.It knows no
law,no pity,it dares all things and crushes
down remoselessly all that stands in its path."

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